Posts in How to Get Published
Finding the Right Literary Agent

As an author, I often receive questions from writers and students about literary agents. Specifically, how to find a literary agent. Up until recently, I would respond by launching into a discussion about query letters and book synopses, writers forums and agent wish lists, proposals and comparison books, etc., etc.

Now, I tell them what I wish I could tell my younger self: it's not about simply finding a literary agent. It's about finding the right agent for you.

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Confessions of an Author Newbie: A Story of High Hopes, Heartbreaking Failure... and a Stick-Figure

This is my only-slightly-inspirational story for the world’s would-be writers out there. I can honestly say, “Believe in your dreams,” but make sure you’re ready to pull out your heart and stomp all over it a few times. Publishing your book is a series of amazing highs and devastating lows. Someone told me once—not only do you need to believe in your work, you need to bleed every word. Now, I finally understand, and as I’m mopping up the carnage—I’d like to share my gory details.

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What Happens After You Find a Literary Agent?

If you’re like me, you often see articles about what it takes to land a literary agent in today’s crowded world of publishing, and to be blunt, much of the advice is the same. Be patient. Persevere. And don’t forget to have a fully complete and well-polished manuscript, an amazing, attention-grabbing query letter, and an awesome hook that no one can deny. And while all of that is well and good (and not all that easy to accomplish), what you don’t seem to find is many articles that speak to what happens after you get an offer of representation from an agent, and what you, the would-be published author, can expect out of the experience.

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